Introducing the Technical Creations of Lani-Elaine

Welcome to my technical portfolio gallery! I invite you to explore a selection of my undergraduate work. Simply click on each gallery for more detailed insights. Please note that the samples are presented as they were originally submitted, with no revisions made, and I have indicated any group efforts where applicable. Enjoy the journey through my accomplishments!

Technical Project
The lack of accessible instruction sets that are available for consumers was the biggest takeaway from this group project.
Revised IKEA Instruction Set
Professional Project
Confidence in locating a realistic location to support a 290 MW Solar Power PV Array Farm in Colorado Springs and assurance in program management were the takeaways for this group project.
Solar Energy Technical Research Proposal for Colorado Springs Utilities
Solar Energy Proposal - CSU
Feasible Business Proposal
Multimodal Project
Frustration with unfamiliar software in Adobe Creative Cloud and the lack of class time devoted to learning new software were the takeaways for this project.
Social Media Corruption
Infographic for Multimodal Project
Frustration with unfamiliar software to create graphics & the lack of class time devoted to new technology are the takeaways for this project.
Social Media Corruption
Choice Project
The key takeaway for this group project is that technical writing is never done due to constant revisions and developing a style guide prior to editing is extremely important.
Collobarative technical editing for Quad Innovation Quad Innovation image screen shots from
Marketing Brochure Design
Custom Designed Logo
Academic Research Project
Technical white paper analyzing FMF journal research.
Licensed Adobe Stock Photo(s)/Image(s)
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